Pump Descale On Or Off Site

A high-rise apartment complex south of the river called CPM with concerns about their potable water supply pressure. On inspection of the variable speed pressure pump system, the technician found high levels of iron oxide (rust) build up inside the pump chambers and valve assemblies. Whilst on site the technician isolated one pump at a time (keeping the site with running water throughout) stripped and descaled the pump chambers. As you can see by the photos iron oxide build up can definitely inhibit water flow through the system!

Depending on the build up and the internal damage to the pump CPM can either descale on site, or remove each pump individually take it back to the workshop and completely rebuild them complete with a new pump warranty! On completion some new isolation and check valves to each pump which also had been affected by the build up. Full pressure and flow are now restored to the complex. To solve these complex issues, it is important to use knowledgeable and professionally trained technicians.

Call CPM to arrange your scheduled service and maintenance requirements on 24/7 mobile 0435 348 266 or email at cpm@cpmperth.com.

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